Open post

Digital Security Workshop Call


  • 25.11.202, Shirak region, Gyumri City – All for Equal Rights Foundation (address: Gyumri City, 7/33 Garegin Nzhdeh Street)
  • 26.11.2023, Lori region, Vanadzor City – «NGO Center» Civil Society Development NGO (address: Vanadzor City, 6/1 Khorenatsi Street)

About the project and the workshop:

The Media Diversity Institute is excited to announce a comprehensive, hands-on workshop on digital security management for civil society organizations, media organizations, and other relevant stakeholders based in Shirak and Lori regions. This event is a part of the “EU4LabourRights: Increasing Civic Voice and Action for Labour Rights and Social Protection in Armenia” project and is aimed at equipping participants with the necessary tools and knowledge to identify and manage digital security risks, safeguard their organizations, and handle IT management effectively.

This one-day workshop, led by digital security and media experts, will provide insights into organizational and personal digital security, risk management, IT management, and much more.

“EU4LabourRights: Increasing Civic Voice and Action for Labour Rights and Social Protection in Armenia:” Project is implemented by OxYGen Foundation, Socioscope NGO, “Asparez” Journalists’ Club NGO, Armenian Progressive Youth NGO, Media Diversity Institute – Armenia in cooperation with Protection of Rights without Borders NGO, and Eurasia Partnership Foundation. The Project is funded by the European Union.

Registration for the Digital Security Workshop is open until November 20th. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your digital security expertise. The event will be held:

  • 25.11.202, Shirak region, Gyumri City – All for Equal Rights Foundation (address: Gyumri City, 7/33 Garegin Nzhdeh Street)
  • 26.11.2023, Lori region, Vanadzor City – «NGO Center» Civil Society Development NGO (address: Vanadzor City, 6/1 Khorenatsi Street)

Workshop details:

  • Introduction to cyber security, the most common threats and attack vectors in Armenia
  • How to protect personal information on the Internet (theoretical and practical tasks)
  • How to protect passwords: password management systems, two-phase security
  • Secure communication: PGP, Protonmail, Tutanota, secure communication software (Signal, Wire)
  • Phishing attacks and protection methods and tools
  • Strategic issues of digital security for the organization (Practical work)

Why Attend?

  • To understand and apply risk management within your organization.
  • To learn about the roles in IT management and assess employee competencies.
  • To discover how to protect your organization’s online presence and personal digital information.
  • To use the most up-to-date digital security tools and best practices.

Registration and Questions:

To register for the Digital Security Training Workshop, please fill out the online registration form by the deadline of November 20th. For any questions regarding the workshop, you are encouraged to contact the MDI representative Alexander Martirosyan at [email protected].

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